Atlas of Human Anatomy: Classic Regional Approach by Frank H. NetterFor students and clinical professionals who are learning anatomy, participating in a dissection lab, sharing anatomy knowledge with patients, or refreshing their anatomy knowledge, the Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy illustrates the body, region by region, in clear, brilliant detail from a clinician's perspective.
Developing Human by Keith L. Moore; T. V. N. Persaud; Mark G. TorchiaWritten by some of the world's most famous anatomists, the 10th edition of I The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology continues to present medical students with a comprehensive and easily digestible review of this complex topic.
Essentials of Radiology by Fred A. MettlerIdeal for radiology residents and medical students, as well as anyone who reads or orders radiology imaging studies, this user-friendly reference covers the basics of how to approach, read, and interpret radiological images.
ISBN: 9780323508872
Publication Date: 4th edition, 2019
Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis by Steven McGeeEvidence-based insights into physical signs have evolved and progressed greatly over the past few years, further defining how physical findings identify disease, solve clinical problems, and forecast patient outcomes.
Goodman and Gilman's the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 14th Edition by Laurence Brunton; Bjorn KnollmannThe go-to pharmacology reference that medical and health science professionals have relied upon for more than 50 Years! For more than 50 years, Goodman & Gilman's: The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, has been the comprehensive, go-to reference that medical and health science professionals have relied upon as the pinnacle of authority and accuracy in describing the actions and uses of therapeutic agents in relation to physiology and pathophysiology. Goodman & Gilman's balance of basic science and clinical applications has guided thousands of health care practitioners and students to a clear understanding of the drugs essential to preventing, diagnosing and treating disease. The fourteenth edition features more than 600 color illustrations, including 50 new figures on mechanism of drug actions which emphasizes the link between basic mechanisms of action of drug action, pathophysiology of disease, and therapeutic use of drugs. Features: * Five NEW chapters:  Pharmacovigilance  Gastrointestinal Microbiome and Drug Response  The Blood-Brain Barrier  Cannabis  Antibodies, Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors, CAR-T cells, and other Biological Agents * 600+ color illustrations * 50 NEW figures on mechanism of drug actions * All chapters have been revised and generally expanded with new material * Throughout: Expanded coverage of the need to consider genetic polymorphisms in designing appropriate therapies * A greatly revised and expanded chapter on Pharmacodynamics and the Molecular Mechanisms of Drug Action * 53 NEW contributors * NEW online updates
ISBN: 9781264258079
Publication Date: 14th ed., 2023
Gordis Epidemiology by David D. Celentano; Moyses SzkloFrom the Department of Epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University and continuing in the tradition of award-winning educator and epidemiologist Dr. Leon Gordis, comes the fully revised 6th Edition of Gordis Epidemiology.
ISBN: 9780323552295
Publication Date: 6th edition, 2019
Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology by John E. HallKnown for its clear presentation style, single-author voice, and focus on content most relevant to clinical and pre-clinical students, Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 14th Edition, employs a distinctive format to ensure maximum learning and retention of complex concepts.
Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry by Peter J. Kennelly; Kathleen M. Botham; Owen McGuinness; Victor W. Rodwell; P. Anthony WeilThe biochemistry fundamentals every medical student needs to master--presented clearly and succinctly, with numerous case studies Concise but packed with medically relevant examples, Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry combines top-quality full-color illustrations with authoritative integrated coverage of biochemical disease. This authoritative clinical guide includes more than 600 illustrations, with each chapter featuring a section on biomedical importance summarizing the given topic. This authoritative guide presents information in a way that helps you retain everything you read, including case studies emphasizing the clinical relevance of biochemistry, review questions following each of the eleven sections, "Objectives" boxes defining the goals of each chapter, and tables encapsulating key information you must know. In addition, the authors have updated this edition with a new chapter on the importance and pervasiveness of transition metals. Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry, Thirty-Second Edition delivers critical coverage of: Toxic naturally occurring amino acids Extraterrestrial biomolecules Computer-aided drug design cells, basophils, and eosinophils The role of complement cascade in bacterial and viral infection Secreted mediators of cell-cell signaling between leukocytes The hazard of antioxidants that down-regulate radical signaling for apoptosis and increase risk of cancer And much more
ISBN: 9781260469943
Publication Date: 32nd ed., 2023
The Harriet Lane Handbook by Johns Hopkins HospitalEvery three years, The Harriet Lane Handbook is carefully updated by residents, edited by chief residents, and reviewed by expert faculty at The Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text and Atlas, Sixteenth Edition by Anthony L. MescherPublisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. This user-friendly text and atlas combination is filled with clear explanations, art, and micrographs to elucidate key concepts and facilitate learning For more than four decades, this trusted classic has been considered the hands-down best overview of human tissue structure and function. Accessible yet comprehensive, Junqueiras Basic Histology provides everything you need to know about cell biology and histology, integrating the material with that of biochemistry, immunology, endocrinology, and physiology; it provides an excellent foundation for subsequent studies in pathology. It covers all tissues, every organ system, organs, bone and cartilage, blood, skin, and more. Formatted in a way that optimizes the learning process, Junqueira's explains how to study the structures of cells and tissues; the cell cytoplasm and nucleus; and the four basic tissue types and their role in the organ systems. Each chapter includes multiple-choice self-test questions enabling readers to assess their comprehension of important material; some questions utilizing clinical vignettes or cases to provide real-world relevance. Junqueira's is written specifically for students of medicine and other health-related professions, as well as for advanced undergraduate courses in tissue biology--and there is nothing else like it. Features: Self-test questions in every chapter Key points and summary tables highlight key content Clinical correlations presented with each topic Illustrations depict key aspects of cell biology and histology Electron and light micrographs deliver a definitive atlas of cell, tissue, and organ structures Valuable appendix explains light microscopy stains Lab manual alerts readers to see what they are actually reading about in real-life patients; enhanced lab manual available online Links to Junqueira micrographs
ISBN: 9781260462982
Publication Date: 16th edition, 2021
Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine by Adam Feather (Editor); David Randall (Editor); Mona Waterhouse (Editor)Now in its tenth edition, Kumar & Clark's Clinical Medicine is fully updated and revised under a new team of editors. Featuring new chapters covering: o Diagnosis: the art of being a doctor - helping readers to develop a confident clinical method in interactions with patients o Elderly medicine, frailty and multimorbidity o Public health o Surgery o Evidence-based medicine o Sepsis and the treatment of bacterial infection o Haematological Oncology o Venous thromboembolic disease o Hypertension o Men's health Enhanced clinical skills content has been added to most chapters - helping readers tailor history-taking and examination skills to specific specialty-based contexts. Bonus online content - including self-assessment, common clinical and international cases, cardiovascular and respiratory audio material, clinical examination videos and bite-sized topic pages covering major conditions. Heavily revised throughout with smaller chapters to ease navigation, added introductions and system overviews included for most chapters. Edited by Adam Feather, MBBS, FRCP, FAcadMEd; David Randall, MA, MRCP; and Mona Waterhouse, MA, MRCP Contributors comprise consultants at the top of their fields, paired with younger doctors closer to the exam experience, to ensure authority and relevance. Enhanced e-book accompanies the print book, for ease of transportation and use on the move. International Advisory Board, led by Professor Janaka de Silva and Professor Senaka Rajapakse, providing guidance for global coverage from across the world. Contributions to the e-book by members of the International Advisory Board to amplify areas of clinical importance in their parts of the world. Featuring new chapters covering: o Diagnosis: the art of being a doctor - helping readers to develop a confident clinical method in interactions with patients o Geriatric medicine, frailty and multimorbidity o Public health o Surgery o Evidence-based medicine o Sepsis o Haematological Oncology o Venous thromboembolic disease o Hypertension o Men's health o Obstetric medicine Enhanced clinical skills content has been added to most chapters - helping readers tailor history-taking and examination skills to specific specialty-based contexts.
ISBN: 9780702078682
Publication Date: 10th edition, 2021
Learning Radiology by William HerringDr. William Herring's Learning Radiology: Recognizing the Basics, 5th Edition, remains the leading introductory radiology text for medical students and others who are required to read and interpret common radiologic images. Using an easy-to-follow pattern recognition approach, this clearly written, highly illustrated text teaches how to differentiate normal and abnormal images of all modalities.
ISBN: 9780323878173
Publication Date: 5th ed, 2023
Medical Biochemistry at a Glance by J. G. SalwayOffering a concise, illustrated summary of biochemistry and its relevance to clinical medicine, Medical Biochemistry at a Glance is intended for students of medicine and the biomedical sciences such as nutrition, biochemistry, sports science, medical laboratory sciences, physiotherapy, pharmacy, physiology, pharmacology, genetics and veterinary science.
Molecular Medicine : Genomics to Personalized Medicine by R. J. TrentMolecular Medicine is the application of genetic or DNA-based knowledge to the modern practice of medicine. Molecular Medicine, 4e, provides contemporary insights into how the genetic revolution is influencing medical thinking and practice.
ISBN: 9780123814517
Publication Date: 4th ed., 2012
Nolte's the Human Brain by Todd Vanderah; Douglas J. GouldThroughout seven popular editions, Nolte's The Human Brain has accomplished the challenging task of demystifying the complexities of the gross anatomy of the brain, spinal cord, and brainstem.
ISBN: 9780323653985
Publication Date: 8th edition, 2021
Costanzo Physiology by Linda S. CostanzoThrough six highly regarded editions, students and instructors alike have come to appreciate Dr. Linda Costanzo's clear, helpful writing style, logical organization, and easy-to-follow presentation of a challenging and complex topic in medical education. Costanzo Physiology, 7th Edition, retains the step-by-step, to-the-point approach that makes this text ideal for coursework and USMLE preparation. Complex concepts are presented in a simple, easy-to-digest manner, and are accompanied by well-designed figures and tables that provide handy visuals for procedures or physiologic equations. Fully updated throughout, this edition remains the students' choice for concise, clear instruction and a strong foundation in human physiology. Offers a comprehensive and consistent overview of core physiologic concepts at the organ system and cellular levels, making complex principles easy to understand. Presents information in a short, simple, and focused manner - the perfect presentation for success in coursework and on exams. Provides step-by-step explanations and easy-to-follow diagrams clearly depicting physiologic principles. Contains new coverage of SARS CoV-2 physiology, renal handling of uric acid, delta/delta analysis is acid-base physiology, endolymph physiology, respiratory distress syndrome, compensatory bronchiolar constriction, and more. Includes high-yield online features such as student FAQs with thorough explanations, animations, and video tutorials from Dr. Costanzo. Integrates equations and sample problems throughout the text. Features chapter summaries for quick overviews of important points, boxed Clinical Physiology Cases for a more thorough understanding of application, and end-of-chapter questions to reinforce understanding and retention. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Principles of Medical Biochemistry by Gerhard Meisenberg; William H. SimmonsFor nearly 30 years, Principles of Medical Biochemistry has integrated medical biochemistry with molecular genetics, cell biology, and genetics to provide complete yet concise coverage that links biochemistry with clinical medicine.
ISBN: 9780323296168
Publication Date: 4th ed, 2017
Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease by Vinay Kumar; Abul K. Abbas; Jon C. AsterReadable and highly illustrated, Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 10th Edition presents an in-depth, state-of-the-art overview of human diseases and their cellular and molecular basis. This best-selling text delivers the latest, most essential pathology knowledge in a readable, interesting manner, ensuring optimal understanding of the latest basic science and clinical content. More than 1,000 high-quality photographs and full-color illustrations highlight new information in molecular biology, disease classifications, new drugs and drug therapies, and much more. This superb learning package also includes an enhanced eBook with a full complement of ancillary content on Student Consult. Provides uniquely authoritative and readable coverage, ideal for USMLE or specialty board preparation, as well as for coursework. Covers the hot topics you need to know about, including novel therapies for hepatitis C, classification of lymphomas, unfolded protein response, non-apoptotic pathways of cell death, coronavirus infections, liquid biopsy for cancer detection, regulation of iron absorption, clonal hematopoiesis and atherosclerosis, thrombotic microangiopathies, heparin-induced thrombocytopenias, inflammatory myopathies, genetic tools for treatment of cystic fibrosis, and many more. Uses an outstanding full-color, user-friendly design to simplify your study and quickly direct you to the information you need to know, with learning features such as boldface overviews at the beginning of each section, key concepts boxes, suggested readings, schematic diagrams that illustrate complex concepts, and new gross and microscopic figures for clarity of morphology. Brings you up to date with the latest information in molecular and genetic testing, mechanisms of disease, personalized medicine and its impact on treatment of human diseases, the role of microbiome and metabolome in non-communicable diseases, and much more. Provides access to a wealth of interactive ancillaries online: pathology case studies, videos, self-assessment questions, Targeted Therapy boxes that discuss drug therapy for specific diseases, interactive cases, and more. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices
Surgery: An Introductory Guide for Medical Students by Umut SarpelThe operating room can be an intimidating place for medical students. Preparing to scrub in on a case requires pulling together information from multiple sources on anatomy, pathology, physiology, yet none truly fit the needs of the surgical student. Surgery: An Introductory Guide for Medical Students 2nd Edition, written expressly for students, fills this void by providing an all-in-one reference in a unified, concise, and portable format.
ISBN: 3030650731
Publication Date: 2nd ed., 2021
Textbook of Physical Diagnosis by Mark H. SwartzMastering each aspect of the patient interview and physical exam is fundamental to medical education, resulting in more accurate diagnostic skills, more effective patient management, and better patient outcomes! Dr. Swartz's Textbook of Physical Diagnosis is a highly respected reference in this critical area, offering a compassionate, humanistic approach to the art and science of interviewing and physical examination. From cover to cover, you'll learn how your interpersonal awareness is just as important in physical diagnosis as your level of skill - and why clinical competence in this area is essential for physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and all members of the healthcare profession. Explores how cultural differences can influence communication, diet, family relationships, and health practices and beliefs - which may affect your approach to a patient's treatment. Features hundreds of high-quality color images, an easy-to-use design, and detailed descriptions of practical techniques throughout. Offers clear, easy-to-understand explanations of interviewing and examination techniques, clinical presentations, pathophysiology, complementary and alternative medicine, and physical diagnosis standards and tests. All chapters completely reviewed and revised. Features a new chapter on deconstructing racism and bias in clinical medicine. Provides expanded coverage of the musculoskeletal system with more specialty examinations of joints. Emphasizes precision, accuracy, and critical thinking in clinical assessment. Highlights clinical ethics and professionalism. Includes more than 6 hours of in-depth video, featuring step-by-step key aspects of the physical examination for adults, toddlers, and newborns, important interviewing scenarios, and audio of heart and lung sounds. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.