For effective environmental law research, you can do one of the following:
Search for sources as you normally would, including using the Advanced Search option.
Click on Topics and then on Energy & Environment for an environmental focus.
Type <environmental> into the main search box and note options in the drop down box.
Also note: Research and tech support and customer service are available 24/7 by clicking, at the bottom of every page, on Live Chat, or by clicking on Help. Law Students can call 1-800-850-9378.
By clicking on Help you can access text or video tutorials. Although none of the tutorials deal specifically with Environmental Law, they can be helpful generally when using WestlawNext.
For effective environmental law research, you can do one of the following:
Search as you normally would, and use the options available to you through Search Tips.
Select Environmental Law or Energy & Utilities Law, under Practice Areas & Topics for a more environmentally focused search.
Browse Topics for sub-topics. Ex., under the Topic Environmental Law, are sub-topics such as Air Quality, Land Use/Zoning, Natural Resources, Water Quality, etc.
Also note: Research and tech support are available 24/7 by clicking Help at the top of every page for Live Chat or by the Support Folder on the home page. The toll-free number is 1-800-45-LEXIS.
The Help button and the Support folder will link you to tutorials. Although none deal specifically with Environmental Law, they can be helpful when using Lexis Advance.
For effective environmental law research:
Do a search as you normally would.
Do a search, select a content type (ex., Court Opinions), and limit your results from the topical filters (such as environmental, energy, natural resources, etc.). NOTE: Not all content types have topical filters.
Use the BNA Law Reports. On the Bloomberg Law home page, under Getting Started. Choose Environment for a list of the 14 environmental Reports.
Also note:
Click on Help at the top of pages to access an email option for research and tech support. Or call toll free 888-560-BLAW.
Clicking on Help will access tutorials, none of which are specific to Environmental Law, but can he helpful generally when using Bloomberg Law.
These licensed resources are available from computers with an MU School of Law IP address. It is available to members of the university community and public at the Law School Library public computers in the Reference Alcove. Members of the Law School community can access this resource from off-campus using an MU username and password.