Common legal abbreviations are listed on this page. For proper citation in scholarly works please consult ALWD or The Bluebook Uniform System of Citation.
Abbreviation | Title |
A, A2d | Atlantic Reporter |
Cal. Rptr., Cal. Rptr.2d, Cal. Rptr.3d | California Reporter |
F.Supp., F.Supp. 2d |
Federal Supplement |
F.2d, F.3d | Federal Reporter |
L.Ed | Lawyer's Edition |
Mo. | Missouri Supreme Court |
Mo. App. | Missouri Appellate Courts |
N.E., N.E.2d | North Eastern Reporter |
N.W., N.W.2d | North Western Reporter |
N.Y.S., N.Y.S.2d | New York Supplement |
P., P.2d, P.3d | Pacific Reporter |
S.Ct. | U.S. Supreme Court |
S.E., S.E.2d | South Eastern Reporter |
S.W., S.W.2d, S.W.3d | South Western Reporter |
So., So.2d, So.3d (or S.) | Southern Reporter |
U.S. | U.S. Supreme Court |
Abbreviation | Title |
C.F.R. | Code of Federal Regulations |
C.S.R. | Code of State Regulations |
Fed. Reg. | Federal Register |
Mo. Reg. | Missouri Register |
P.L. | Public Law |
Stat. | Statutes at Large |
L. or Laws | Laws of Missouri |
U.S.C. | U.S. Code (unannotated) |
U.S.C.A. | U.S. Code Annotated |
U.S.C.C.A.N | U.S. Code Congressional & Administrative News |
R.S.Mo. | Revised Statutes of Missouri |
V.A.M.S. | Vernon's Annotated Missouri Statutes |
Abbreviation | Title |
A.L.R., A.L.R. 2d, A.L.R. 3d, A.L.R. 4th, A.L.R. 5th, A.L.R. 6th, A.L.R. Fed. | American Law Reports |
Am. Jur., and Am. Jur. 2d | American Jurisprudence |
C.J.S. | Corpus Juris Secundum |