There are several programs to help you manage your references, track them, and insert citations and bibliographies into Word documents. Besides Zotero, you can use EndNote, Mendeley, or the Reference feature in Microsoft Word.
Zotero is a free bibliographic & citation management software program.
The following links provide information on downloading and using Zotero:
Mendeley is another citation management program, and has a free option.
For more information, see
EndNote is a bibliographic & citation management software program that requires purchase. You create your EndNote library by uploading the citations that you find during your research.
The following links provide information on how to purchase and use EndNote:
Directions on how to download additional styles into EndNote
1. Go to
2. Scroll down to the Style Finder form
3. In the Keywords box, search for your desired style, e.g., Respiratory Care.
4. Under Results, select Download for your desired style. (Download link is on the far right.) From the Download Dialog Box, select a directory and file to save the style to. Save.
5. In Windows, or using your macOS Finder, browse to the location where you downloaded the style. Double-click on the style file to open it. It should open in the EndNote program.
6. In EndNote, go to the "File Menu" and choose "Save as."
7. Remove the word "copy" from the end of your style's name, and then click the Save button.
8. Click on the "File Menu" and choose "Close Style."
9. The style will now show in the EndNote Style Manager. To open the Style Manager use the path: Tools > Output Styles > Open Style Manager. It will also show in MS Word under the EndNote tab.