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ET@MO Academic Technology and Mizzou Online Liaisons: Blackboard Linking

Why Link?

Place direct links to resources within 40,000 journals and almost 300 databases within Canvas, E-Reserves, and on web pages:

  • Easy access for students to get exactly what faculty want them to use
  • No copyright concerns - the link is to something for which we've already paid
  • Linking provides usage statistics - so that we do not cancel highly used materials

Embedding Links into Existing Sections in Canvas

1. In your Canvas Course, click on the content area you want to edit - in this case, "Assignments." Then click on the "Add Assignments" button.

Step 1

2. In the editing box, highlight the text you would like to be linked.

3. Now, click on the "Hyperlink" icon in the toolbar. A popup window will appear (if it does not, make sure popup blockers are disabled on your browser).

Step 2


4. In the popup menu, type out or copy the link to your desired content in the URL box. Then click on "Insert Link."

Step 3


5. Finally, click on the "Submit" button. The text that you highlighted should link to your desired content.


Updated 08/24/2016

Edited by

Edited by: Rhonda Whithaus (

Created by: William McCrary

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