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Historical Trauma: Home

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Selected Books on Historical Stress

After such knowledge : memory, history, and the legacy of the Holocaust
MU Ellis D804.348 .H64 2004

Novel history : historians and novelists confront America's past (and each other)
MU Ellis PS374.H5 N68 2001

Slaves on screen : film and historical vision
MU EllisPN1995.9.S557 D38 2000

The healing wound : experiences and reflections on Germany, 1938-2001
MU Ellis DD256.5 .S443 2001

Quiet as it's kept : shame, trauma, and race in the novels of Toni Morrison
MU Ellis PS3563.O8749 Z57 2000

Minefields in their hearts : the mental health of children in war and communal violence
MUEllis HQ784.W3 M54 1996

Collective memory of political events : social psychological perspectives
MUEllis BF378.S65 C65 1997

International handbook of multigenerational legacies of trauma

Between hope and despair : pedagogy and the remembrance of historical trauma
MU EllisD16.9 .B426 2000

Reparations : interdisciplinary inquiries
MU LAW JC578 .R464 2007

International handbook of human response to trauma

Trauma transformed : an empowerment response
Available at several MOBIUS libraries. Please click on link for details.

Come Hell or high water : Hurricane Katrina and the color of disaster
MU EllisHV636 2005 .G87 D97 2006

After the storm : Black intellectuals explore the meaning of Hurricane Katrina
MU Ellis E185.615 .A594 2006

What lies beneath : Katrina, race, and the state of the nation
MU Ellis HV636 2005 .N4 W43 2007

HeartLike Water: Surviving Katrina andlife in its Disaster Zone
Not available through MERLIN or MOBIUS. Interlibrary Loan--Use WorldCat.

Lay my burden down : unraveling suicide and the mental health crisis among African-Americans
MU EllisE185.625 .P68 2000

Post traumatic slave syndrome : America's legacy of enduring injury and healing
MU EllisRC451.5.N4 L43 2005

Selected Books on Performance Poetry

Alphabet theater : performance poetry
MU Ellis PS3619.T747 A67 2002

Big towns, big talk
Available at several MOBIUS libraries. Please click on link for details.

Big towns, big talk [electronic resource]

The complete idiot's guide to slam poetry
Available at several MOBIUS libraries. Please click on link for details.

Life according to Motown
GALAHAD 811.54 Sm63l 1991

Performing the word : African American poetry as vernacular culture
MU Ellis PS310.N4 B76 1999

Russell Simmons def poetry jam on Broadway -- and more : the choice collection
MU Ellis PS3619.T747 A67 2002

Available at several MOBIUS libraries. Please click on link for details.

The spoken word revolution : slam, hip-hop, & the poetry of a new generation
MU Ellis PS615 .S65 2003

Step into a world : a global anthology of the new Black literature
MU Ellis PR9085 .S73 2000

Storms beneath the skin
ARTHUR PS3557 .I2218 S76 2001

Teacher Recommended Readings

Akbar, N. (1990). Chains and Images of Psychological Slavery.
New Jersey: New Mind Productions.
UMS TJE185.625 .A44 1984

Allen, J., Als, H., Lewis, J. & Litwack, L. F. (2000).
Without sanctuary :lynching photography in America
New Mexico: Twin Palms Publishers.
MU JOUR RESERVE HV6457 .W58 2000

Asante, M. K., & Asante, K. W. (1985).
African Culture: The Rhythms of Unity.
Westport, CN: Greenwood Press.
UMS TJDT14 .A364 1985

Bell, C. C., & Jenkins, J. E. (1991). Traumatic Stress and Children.
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 2 (1)175-188
Request through interlibrary loan.

Butterfield, F. (1995). All God's Children:
The Bosket Family and the American Tradition of Violence
New York: Avon Books
MU ELLIS E185.96 .B98 1995

Byrd, A. D., Tharps, L. L. (2001). Hair Story:
Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America
New York: St: Martin's Press.
MU ELLISE185.86 .B96 2001

Cole, D. (1999). No Equal Justice:
Race and Class in the American Criminal Justice System
New York: The New Press.
MU ELLIS HV9950 .C59 1999

Danieli, Y. (1998).
International Handbook of Multigenerational Legacies of Trauma.
New York: Plenum Press.

Gatto, J. T.(1992). Dumbing Us Down.
Philadelphia, PA: New Society.

Genovese, E. D. (1976).Roll Jordan Roll: The World the Slaves Made.
New York: Vintage Books.
MU ELLIS E443 .G46

Ginzburg, R. (1988). 100 Years of lynching.
Baltimore, MD: Black Classic Press.
MU ELLIS HV6464 .G5 1988

Grier, W. H., & Cobbs, P. M. (1969). Black Rage.
New York: Bantam Books.
MU ELLIS E185.625 .G68

Gutman, H. G. (1976). The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom 1750-1925.
New York: Vintage Books.
MU ELLISE185.86 .G77 1976

Hacker, A. (1992). Two Nations: Black and white, separate, hostile, unequal.
New York, NY: Macmillan publishing Company.
MU ELLISE185.615 .H23 1992

Kapsalis, T. (1997) Public Privates: Performing Gynecology From Both Ends of the Speculum. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Leary J. D., Brennan, E., Briggs, (November 2005). African American Adolescent Respect Scale: A Measure of Prosocial Attitude.
Research on Social Work Practice, 15 (6) pp. 462-469.

Mazrui, A. A. (1986). The African: A Triple Heritage. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.
Available at several MOBIUS libraries. Please click on link for details.

Mbiti, J. (1970). African Religions and Philosophy. New York: Doubleday.

Miller, D. B. & MacIntosh, R. (1999). Promoting Resilience in Urban African American Adolescents: Racial Socialization and Identity As Protective Factors. Social Work Research. 23 (3), 159-169.

Morris, T. (1996). Southern Slavery and the Law, 1619-1860. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press
MU LAWKF482 .M67 1996

Nichols, E. J. (1976). Introduction to the Axiological Model. Paper Presented to the World Psychiatric Association and the Nigerian Association of Psychiatrists. University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Request through interlibrary loan.

Ogbu, J. U. (1990). Racial Stratification and Education. In G. E. Thomas (Ed.)
U. S. Race Relations in the 1980's and 1990's: Challenges and Alternatives.
New York: Hemisphere Publishing Company.
MU ELLIS E184.A1 U16 1990

Osofsky, G. (1969). Puttin'on Ole Massa. New York: Harper Torch Books.

Pinderhughes, E. (1989). Understanding Race, Ethnicity, and Power.
New York: The Free Press.
MU ELLISHV95 .P55 1989

Poussaint, A. F. & Alexander, A. (2000). Lay my burden down : unraveling suicide and the mental health crisis among African-Americans.
Boston, MA. Beacon Press.
MU ELLISE185.625 .P68 2000

Roberts, D. (1999). Killing the Black Body.
New York: Vintage Books.
MU ELLISHQ766.5.U5 R58 1997

Robinson, R. (2004). Quitting America: The Departure of a Black Man
From His Native Land.

New York: Dutton.
MU ELLISE185.97.R665 A3 2004

Robinson, R. (2000). The Debt: What America Owes to Blacks.
New York: Penguin.
MU ELLISE185.615 .R525 2000

Stamper, N. (2005) Breaking Rank.
New York: Avalon Publishing.
Available at several MOBIUS libraries. Please click on link for details.

Stevenson, H. C. (1994). Racial Socialization in African American Families:
The Art of Balancing Intolerance and Survival. The Family Journal: Counseling
Therapy for Couples and Families. 2 (3), 190-198.
Request through interlibrary loan.

Stevenson, H. C. (1994). Relationship of Adolescent Perceptions
of Racial Socialization to Racial Identity. Journal of Black Psychology.
21 (1) 49-70
MU ELLIS E185.625 .J68

Tatum, B. D. (1997). Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?
New York: Basic Books.
MU ELLISE185.625 .T38 1997

West, C. (1993). Race Matters.
Boston, MA: Beacon Press.
MU ELLISE185.615 .W43 1993

Williams, J. (1998). Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary.
New York: Times Books.
MU ELLIS KF8745.M34 W55 1998

Winbush, R. A. (2001). Should America pay?
New York, Harper Collins Books.
MU ELLIS E185.89.R45 S56 2003

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HSL = Health Sciences Library

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Finding Articles

Use these databases to identify articles on your topic:

Academic Search Premier

Possible key/subject/title words

slam or oral or spoken or performance


and african american

Roger Bonair-Agard

Staceyann Chin

Jessica Care Moore

Carl Hancock Rux

Saul Williams


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If you have an article reference, but are not currently in a database, go to the MU Libraries' Gateway page and click "Find a Specific Article or Journal" link on the left hand side of the page. Type in the name of the journal or, if you have the citation, a specific journal article. If electronic coverage is not available, check the Library Catalog to see if we have a print subscription to the journal. MU Libraries does not subscribe to all journal titles.

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Internet Information

Selected Links

African American Writers

American Slave Narratives

Genocide in Darfur

Japanese American Internment

Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome

Reconciliation Australia

Sexual Violence and Historical Trauma

Selected Organizations

American Indian Policy Center

Poetry Slam Incorporated (PSI) Academy of American Poets

Simon Wiesenthal Center

Verbal Artist Poetry Forum Community

Selected Websites

After Katrina

Broken Speech Poetry Slam

Eleventh Hour Productions

Killing Fields

Oral Poetry

Performance Poetry

Poetry Slam--Wikipedia

Virtual Poetry

Cite your Sources

If you use articles you obtained in full-text version directly from a library database, the citation protocol will be different than if you had found the article in paper copy in the library.

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Paula Roper
167 Ellis Library
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65201


Jesse Adolph

#1 Tate Hall, MU English Department

Office Phone (573) 882-0681