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Start-Up Law: Sample Documents & Online Tools

Financing Calculators

These are free web-based tools which can be useful in calculating different financing options.

Term Sheet Generators

Other Sample Documents

Business Transactions Solutions - This database is very useful because it has a chapter of forms by Alan Gutterman (Part V, Chapter 74) specifically related to venture financing! The forms include a Series A Preferred Stock Summary of Terms, Investment Agreement, Stock Transfer Restriction Agreement, Voting Agreement, and  Bridge Financing Agreement. These documents can be downloaded in an "easy edit" format. The individual form's cost is determined by the user's Westlaw pricing structure.  The The hyperlink directs to chapter 74 of the treatise in WestlawNext. Westlaw sells the CD containing all forms "priced by user."

Bloomberg Law has a database of DealMaker Documents. Try searching for "convertible notes."

Angel Capital Association has a sample term with drafting notes in the form of Microsoft Word comment bubbles. This is a free option in contrast to the above paid forms.