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Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering 4220: Writing Intensive: Seminar

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Materials Science Seminar

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Subject Guide: Materials Science


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  • If you are in a database, click on the   button next to the article citation in the results list. If there is no online access, you'll be transferred to the Library Catalog to look for a print copy.
  • If you have an article reference, but are not in a database, go to the EL&TC Gateway and select Find a Specific Article
  • ILL@MU: If you find a journal article that you need, but cannot find the article using  

    , click on the option Request an Item (ILL@MU)

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 Conference Proceedings

MERLIN: Patron Initiated Services


  • Determining load capacities of shallow foundations for bridges founded on rock
  • Electromagnetic wave propagation through soils
  • Geologic features of the New Madrid Fault Zone