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Parliamentary Papers at MU: Colonial and Commonwealth Papers

Tips, techniques & links to help you find answers for your research papers & projects

Colonial and Commonwealth Papers

Colonial Papers:

There are no dedicated collections in the MU Libraries' collection that compile solely colonial papers.  To search for these, the best method is to search by era using indexes or databases.

Commonwealth Papers:

Papers printed by the British Commonwealths are not considered part of the Parliamentary Papers.  However, pending a research topic, there are times they could be useful.  For example, a search to see how laws under direct British rules changed after becoming a commonwealth nation.

The MU Law Library is helpful in this regard.  They have statues, legal books, and/or parliamentary histories for Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.  These volumes are located on the west half of the third floor.

The Commonwealth Countries have an official government website for Commonwealth issues:  Commonwealth Secretariat

Here are a few useful links for the major commonwealth nations:

Australia Parliament and Government

New Zealand Government-Local, Central, and Regional

Canada's Official Government Website

India's Government Website

For other commonwealth nations, here is a full list of members