If you're locked out of STAT!-Ref due to publisher restrictions, don't worry. Many of the STAT!-Ref titles can be searched online, and the rest are available in book form at the Health Sciences Library Circulation Desk.
You can search much of the reserve textbook collection cover to cover (including the books in STAT!-Ref) using the box on the left side of this page.
All of the paper books covered in STAT!-Ref are available in the Health Sciences Library. For your convenience during exams, they will be kept together on a cart at the circulation desk. Many of the titles can also be searched & viewed online using the links below.
AHFS Drug Information: Ask at the Health Sciences Library Circulation Desk , or use another online drug resource such as Micromedex or Lexi-Comp . Drug information is also available in AccessMedicine, MDConsult, Dynamed and UpToDate.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-IV . Also available at the Health Sciences Library Circulation Desk.
DrugPoints System: Included in Micromedex .
Family Medicine: Principles and Practice . Also available at the Health Sciences Library Circulation Desk.
Geriatric Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach Also available at the Health Sciences Library Circulation Desk.
Guide to Culturally Competent Health Care: Ask at the Health Sciences Library Circulation Desk .
Medical Immunology Also available at the Health Sciences Library Circulation Desk. Or, use of the other online immunology textbooks.
Rudolph's Pediatrics: Ask at the Health Sciences Library Circulation Desk . Or, use one of the other online pediatric textbooks.
Stedman's Medical Dictionary: Ask at the Health Sciences Library Circulation Desk , or use the online Merriam Webster's Medical Dictionary .