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ET@MO Academic Technology and Mizzou Online Liaisons: Blackboard vs. ERes

MU Libraries Copyright Policy for E-Reserves

The MU Libraries will pay up to $100 per course per semester in copyright royalties. Copyright royalties vary widely and can range from $15 to more than $300 per article. Individual faculty members or departments may choose to pay the royalties for anything over the $100 limit. Consultation between the faculty member and the MU Libraries Ellis Reserve staff or branch staff will take place before items are removed from ERes in order to determine the options in each situation.

Although listed as optional information by ERes, bibliographic information is required by the libraries who will, if necessary, use this information to seek permission from the copyright holder for the material to display on ERes.

Faculty should give the document the same title used in their course syllabus.

When working with published material, the MU Libraries and the Copyright Clearance Center requires the following information be included:

  • Book/Journal title
  • Chapter/Article title
  • Author
  • Publisher
  • Publication
  • Date
  • Page number

LMS (Canvas) vs. E-Reserves

  • Canvas allows you to provide your students online access to course materials, maintain grades, etc. Canvas does not monitor copyright issues.
  • E-Reserves is an online reserve system to provide students with access to course materials. You can fax paper documents (articles, book chapters, class notes, old exams, homework solutions, etc.) to E-Reserves to be converted to PDF and posted to your E-Reserves course site. Library staff will monitor copyright issues, seek permission, and pay royalties if necessary.  If the item that is needed is in electronic format in a licensed database or eBook, linking, (instead of faxing or downloading copies), is required.
  • Canvas and E-Reserves can be used simultaneously when you have copyrighted material in E-Reserves but also want to manage your course through Canvas. 


What do you want to do?



Link to full-text article in an MU Libraries
subscribed database

Yes Yes

Link to pre-defined search terms in Merlin
Catalog and MU Libraries Databases

Yes Yes

Link to an issue of an online journal
(free or MU subscription)

Yes Yes
Link to an RSS feed Yes Yes
Scanned article from a print journal No Yes

Link to an article in an online book collection
e.g., Gale Virtual Reference Library

Yes Yes
Scanned book excerpt or chapter Yes Yes

Updated 08/23/2016